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Photo of Marissa F.

My personal and professional calling has always been to help others. I found and fell in love with social work because it allowed me to do just that. I feel lucky to be able to make strong connections every day and impact people’s lives on many levels. The work is challenging, complex and unpredictable, but so inspiring and rewarding.

CancerCare is unique because of its inclusiveness and comprehensive programming. We offer free services for specific diagnoses, populations, caregivers, the bereaved and more. Support services allow anyone affected by cancer to know they are not alone. Whether for an individual diagnosed or for their loved ones, the cancer experience can be isolating, and reaching out for help is not always easy. Finding others who can validate those experiences is empowering and gives people the boost they need to move forward in their emotional healing.

It has been a continued privilege to be a part of such an inspiring organization that is sincerely driven by caring and motivated professionals to assist people in need. I am very proud of the work that we do, and I cherish the moments that empower and motivate our clients, and ourselves, to take action and inspire growth.

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