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Topics Covered

  • Overview of Metastatic Triple Negative Breast Cancer, in the Context of COVID & Seasonal Flu
  • The Important Role of the Caregiver in Communicating with the Health Care Team
  • Your Important Role in Decision Making
  • Taking on the Role of Caregiving
  • What Research Tells Us about Caregivers
  • Caregiving for Your Loved One with Metastatic Triple Negative Breast Cancer
  • Challenges in Communicating with the Health Care Team
  • Discussion of OpenNotes & Follow-Up Appointments
  • Coping with Each Day, On Special Occasions, Holidays & Birthdays
  • Managing Family and Friends
  • Long Distance Caregiving
  • Self-Care & Stress Management Recommendations to Manage the Stress of Caregiving
  • Questions for Our Panel of Experts

Our Panel of Experts


Wade Smith, MD

Breast Cancer Specialist, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Medical Oncology & Therapeutics Research, City of Hope, Newport Beach, California


Guadalupe R. Palos, DrPH, MSW, RN

Former Clinical Protocol Administration Manager, Office of Cancer Survivorship, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center; Author and Researcher in Health Care Disparities, Caregiving & Survivorship


Neena Kapoor-Hintzen, MSN, ANP-C

Supportive Care Nurse Practitioner, Advanced Practice Provider Manager, Supportive Care, Geriatric Oncology, and Integrative Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center


Hayley Dinerman, JD

Co-Founder and Executive Director, Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation®


Dina Smith, MSW

Caregiver Program Coordinator, CancerCare


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Workshop Date

This workshop was originally recorded on November 15, 2023.

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