Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood Gives Back to Honor a Beloved Community Leader

Molly, a longtime leader at Temple Beth Sholom located in Roslyn, NY, passed away from lung cancer last November at the age of 67. “They discussed her treatment options, but the prognosis wasn’t good,” recalls Cindy, Sisterhood President. “She believed in miracles, but was also very accepting when she realized what was happening. She was diagnosed, and five weeks later, she was gone. She left a huge hole in all of our hearts because she dedicated decades of service and love to our community.”
The walk will bring together loved ones from all parts of Molly’s life, including her husband Irving, daughters Melissa and Sheryl, brother Sam, and grandchildren. “It’s healing to walk because Molly was a woman of action. If she couldn’t help herself, she was still going to help someone else,” adds Cindy. “We’re doing this for anyone who needs help and hope because this is a disease that is absolutely devastating.
“Molly was well known for giving the greatest hugs whenever they were needed the most. This walk is our way of giving others the feeling that they are not alone so that, even now, they will feel her embrace.”
Molly was a retired English teacher who was known as an incredibly talented writer. The team’s name was inspired by her first published article in their Temple’s bulletin, titled “Sisterhood Scoop.” Here is an excerpt from the article:
“You are probably wondering what a scoop of Sisterhood tastes like. Is it sweet as chocolate or nutty like pistachio or just perfect like vanilla and chocolate on a sugar cone? Sisterhood has lots of flavors to entice you. Some are your favorites and some are brand new. We welcome you to try them all!”
Molly’s “sisters” were inspired to take action in memory of their friend after learning about CancerCare’s mission. “The walk is the perfect way for all who loved Molly to unite to help others. This is a unique organization that helps struggling families. They are dedicated to providing families with a better quality of life together, improving communication and connection when it matters most,” shares Cindy.
“We have all been inspired by Molly’s brilliance and humor. She gave us confidence to realize, as women, that we could do anything, especially if we did it together. We are honoring her memory by extending our love and support to those who need it now. Together we can lick lung cancer, one scoop at a time!”