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Shared decision making provides a patient-centered approach to care. Health care providers work together with the patient to make health care decisions, focusing on what is best for the patient.

Part 1: Engaging Patients in Shared Decision Making
Participants learn about the shared decision-making health care model and how this patient-centered approach not only improves the patient-provider relationship but also focuses on the needs, values and preferences of the person with cancer. This webinar took place on Tuesday, August 22, 2023.
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Part 2: Engaging Caregivers in Shared Decision Making
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
1 - 2:30 p.m.

Participants will learn about the shared decision-making health care model and how caregivers have a unique experience in supporting their loved ones. Although each experience is unique, many caregivers face similar challenges during the decision-making process. Discussion and Q&A to follow.
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Please register using the links above. For more information, please contact Dina Smith, LMSW, at 516-740-8622 or

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